Thank You!

I’ve had this gigantic THANK YOU building inside me for the past few weeks and I need to get it out before I explode. The fallout from that kind of gratitude induced detonation would be massive (and I want to remain intact), so here goes … I finished writing my second book late last year and am now working through re-writes and edits. This is the phase of the game where I defer to the experts. Lucky for me I was able to enlist the aid of four crazy smart, crazy talented, crazy kind people (with surprisingly very little bribery or coercion) to help prevent me from sounding like a dummy. 
THANK YOU to Monica Parpal, my editor, for your initial read through and analysis. Your feedback is, as always, invaluable.
THANK YOU to my sister, Tammy Johnson, and my new friend Dr. John Okerbloom for answering my MANY medical related questions. Your patience is saint-like. Both of you. I mean it. Saint. Like. Thanks for lending me your smarts and knowledge.
And THANK YOU to Kody Templeman for reading through all of the music related bits of the story and giving it your stamp of approval. You know we love Teenage Bottlerocket – you have all my respect, my talented friend.
I guess to sum things up I’m not feeling worthy, but I am SO VERY thankful to these generous people for lending their expertise, in spite of their very busy lives, to my little project. You are the best!